Dad Supports Son Ans It Went Viral

When Robert Selby posted a shirtless selfie to the inspirational Instagram account Miracles and Messes, his photo quickly racked up over 115,000 likes. The viral response, however, had nothing to do with fitness or abs.

Well, it didn't have to do with his abs. Posing next to him in the photo is his son, Chace Elijah Selby, who "is sucking in his stomach, trying to show off his abs like his daddy but all you see are his little ribs," wrote Selby.

If you ask us, Chace looks seriously strong for a boy who's endured so much. That's probably because his dad has been there for him for every doctor appointment, every overnight hospital stay and every dose of medicine. "As long as I'm breathing, I'll always support my son and he'll never be in a fight alone," Selby wrote.

To follow Chace's journey, visit the boy's personal Instagram account (@thelifeofchceelijah) and his YouTube channel. Watching little Chace in action might be better than seeing him pose, big and strong, next to his dad.


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