
Showing posts from May, 2017

One Rupee Note To Be Re-Introduced

1. The new Re 1 note will be 9.7 by 8.3 cm and in a pink and green colour theme. Its previous avatar was of an indigo colour. 2 The note will have 'Bharat Sarkar' on its masthead, with 'Government of India' printed below that.   All other currencies have 'Bharatiya Reserve Bank' and 'Reserve Bank of India' printed on them. 3. The one-rupee note has always been issued by the central government while all the other denominations are issued by the RBI. 4. According to an official statement, the watermarks of the Re 1 note will include the Ashoka Pillar, the hidden numeral "1" and the hidden word "Bharat (in Hindi)". 5. The note will also feature a replica of the one rupee coin and an image of the 'Sagar Samrat' oil exploration rig. 6. The printing of Re 1 notes started in January 2015 after reports of an acute coin shortage along with the rising instances of coins being melted and reused for a profit. But these wer

PM Modi Snubbed?

In what seems to be a déjà vu moment two years apart, Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s attempt at shaking hands with German Chancellor Angela Merkel after a news conference was put off, but only for a few seconds and with a better backdrop. On his second official visit to Germany, Modi and Merkel issued a joint statement, in which the Indian PM focused heavily on climate change as well as Indo-German bilateral relations. At the end of his statement, Modi turned towards Merkel, his hand extended for a handshake, but the Chancellor seemed unaware as she guided him towards the photo-op point in front of the flags of the two nations where the two shook hands immediately after. Interestingly, a similar scene had played out in April 2015, during Modi’s first official visit to Germany, a moment that sparked a huge online debate at the time with many questioning if the Indian PM had been “snubbed”. Watch the video here .

Michael Jackson's Secret

Michael Jackson was a very private person. But did you know that he once slit his hand while removing a surveillance camera from his hotel room in Washington DC? Not just this, but many other unknown facts about the King of Pop’s life have been revealed in the two-hour biopic, Michael Jackson: Searching for Neverland. MJ’s famous body double, Navi, who was used by Michael himself at certain events, plays the titular role in the film. Based on the 2014 book, Searching for Neverland written by Jackson’s bodyguards Bill Whitfield and Javon Beard, the film gives out intimate details about Jackson’s life including his relationship with his three children. Here are five things we learn about the music icon from the movie: 1. He used to bring his own peanut butter and hot sauce to the movies which he sprayed on the popcorn. He loved bringing his children to movie festivals that screened Charlie Chaplin’s movies. 2. Jackson was okay with fans waiting outside his house to get a glimpse of

Where Is Barack Obama?

A five-year-old girl asking her mum where Barack Obama has gone viral on social media. The mother of Taylor filmed the little girl in the back of a car asking why U.S. President Donald Trump had taken over. "Why did he go?" she asks. "Where did he go? "Why do we have the president we have now at the same spot he was and why did he leave it anyway?" The mum, from Texas, explains to her daughter that a president can only serve two terms. But the little girl then asks about Hillary Clinton . "How come Hillary did not get to be the president and why is she the loser and what are they even supposed to be winning?" she says. Amid more questions about the electoral college system that decides a parent, Taylor surmises that voting she knew about - she voted for pizza at school. Getting increasingly frustrated, the girl said: "So Barack Obama voted for the president we have now?" Her mum said on one of three video posts on Instagram: "She i

Donald Trump's Eating Habit

HE ORDERS A LOT OF CHEESE Extra cheese, please! When Trump stopped for a meal at the Red Arrow Diner in New Hampshire during his campaign, he ordered a deep-fried macaroni and cheese to go along with his cheeseburger and fries and washed down the meal with his go-to drink, Diet Coke. You won't exactly find these types of decisions on the list of 35 Tips for Being Healthy While Dining Out, which is what you'll want to do to stay slim. HE'S PICKY ABOUT HIS FRIES While this tidbit remains unconfirmed, Deadspin picked up on a funny Trump story relayed on Twitter about his french fry preferences. Writer Jen Deaderick tweeted about it, saying her former roommate was a pastry chef at a restaurant where Trump ate. Trump ordered fries but kept sending them back to the kitchen, about three or four times saying they weren't good enough. The head chef eventually sent someone to the store to buy Ore-Ida frozen fries, which were served to Trump who called them perfect. YOU

Popular Actor Charged With Model's Death

Popular Bengal TV actor Vikram Chatterjee has been charged with culpable homicide not amounting for murder for the death of model-anchor Sonika Singh Chauhan in a car accident last month. The charge carries a maximum jail term of 10 years. He was earlier charged for causing death by rash and negligent driving, which carries a maximum jail term of two years. After partying in at least two nightclubs, Mr Chatterjee was dropping Ms Chauhan home in the early hours of April 29 when the car crashed. He rushed her to hospital but she died 40 minutes later. Mr Chatterjee was also injured in the crash; on May 4, the day he was released from hospital, he was served notice to record his statement with the police. He has claimed that though he had alcohol on the night of the crash, he was not drunk. The police filed for a stricter charge based on the high speed the car was travelling at, at the time of the accident. Source: NDTV

PM Urges Europe To Lead Fight Against Terror

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who is on a six-day four-nation tour, said on Monday that he "had a very good interaction" with German Chancellor Angela Merkel at Schloss Meseberg in Berlin. He also urged Europe to lead the way in dealing with the menace of terrorism. Both Modi and Merkel held informal talks while walking in the gardens of Schloss Meseberg — a Baroque castle of the 18th century in Germany's Brandenburg district, which happens to be the official state guest house of the German Chancellor, the Press Trust of India (PTI) reported. "The bonds of a fruitful partnership. Chancellor Merkel receives Prime Minister Narendra Modi at Schloss Messeberg before a private dinner," an official from the ministry of external affairs said in a statement. The two leaders discussed issues of mutual interest during the course of their informal talks. Formal discussions of Modi's visit to Germany will begin from Tuesday. Had a very good interaction with Chancel

Cyclone Mora hits Bangladesh

Cyclone Mora made landfall in Bangladesh at around 6 am local time on Monday. The cyclonic storm, which was formed by the depression in east central Bay of Bengal, hit the coast of Bangladesh between Cox's Bazaar and the port of Chittagong, the country's meteorological department said. Cyclone Mora hit the Bangladesh coast with strong winds travelling up to 117 km per hour. The Bangladesh authorities have already evacuated close to 3 lakh people from low-lying coastal areas to safe shelters even as the storm moved towards the country's southeastern coast at a speed of over 85 km per hour on Monday, officials told AFP. The Bangladesh government had issued a warning on Monday to those living in coastal areas to evacuate as the cyclone was expected to intensify. Disaster management authority spokesman Abul Hashim told the news agency: "We are targeting zero casualties and we will try our best to evacuate more than a million before the landfall." Meteorologist Ab

Nepal Prime Minister resigns

Nepal Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal 'Prachanda' on Wednesday resigned after a brief stint of nine months, honouring a power sharing understanding reached between his party and the ruling partner Nepali Congress. Prachanda, 62, announced his resignation when he was addressing the nation in a live telecast. It was his second stint as the Prime Minister. He was elected as the 39th prime minister of Nepal after forging alliance with the Nepali Congress on August 3, 2016. Prachanda, the Chairman of CPN (Maoist Centre), had reached an understanding with Nepali Congress President Sher Bahadur Deuba that he would step down as Prime Minister and hand over the leadership to him after nine months.

No Public Office Agenda says FaceBook's CEO

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg says his quest this year to visit every state he hadn't before is about building relationships, not politics. The 33-year-old billionaire says in a Facebook post that some users have asked if the trip means he's running for public office. Zuckerberg says he's not running for anything. Instead, he says the visits around the country are in order "to get a broader perspective." He says Facebook is looking to connect users beyond people they already know. He writes that it may be important that the platform connects users to "people you should know." He describes those as people outside a user's social circle that as he says "provide a new source of support and inspiration." Zuckerberg says Facebook is exploring models for building those connections.

Ethiopian becomes WHO chief

Dr. Tedros Ghebreyesus, the ex-Health Minister of Ethiopia has been appointed as the new Director General of the World Health Organization. He shall begin his 5-year term on 1st July 2017. He is the first African to head up the UN agency. He has also served as the Minister for Foreign Affairs in Ethiopia from 2013-2016. Tedros will succeed Margaret Chan, who addressed the World Health Assembly for the final time after serving two consecutive five-year terms. Addressing the WHA in Geneva, Dr.Tedros promised to respond to future emergencies "rapidly and effectively." He is best known for having drastically cut deaths from malaria, AIDS, tuberculosis and neonatal problems when he served as Ethiopia's Health minister.

Saturn Visit - First By 7 Years Old Boy

A 7-year-old with congenital heart disease became the first person to visit Saturn, thanks to the Make-A-Wish Foundation and a little virtual reality magic. Zayden Wright, 7, of Georgia said his biggest dream was to visit outer space. “He’s fascinated with the stars and planets and astronauts,” his mom, Shonda Wright, told . “It was always the sky. As a little boy, he’ll look up at the sky and say, ‘Let’s make a wish.'" Despite the impossible demand, Make-A-Wish Georgia was determined to make it happen. Wright said she had a conversation with her son to find out what he thinks space would look like. The 7-year-old had no idea she recorded his entire vision, and sent the tape to a team, which included a former astronaut, who would redesign space in virtual reality in accordance of what the boy wanted to see, including the little green alien that would wave to him from a passing planet, and the red spaceship he would travel in. After nearly a year of planni

Dad Supports Son Ans It Went Viral

When Robert Selby posted a shirtless selfie to the inspirational Instagram account Miracles and Messes, his photo quickly racked up over 115,000 likes. The viral response, however, had nothing to do with fitness or abs. Well, it didn't have to do with his abs. Posing next to him in the photo is his son, Chace Elijah Selby, who "is sucking in his stomach, trying to show off his abs like his daddy but all you see are his little ribs," wrote Selby. If you ask us, Chace looks seriously strong for a boy who's endured so much. That's probably because his dad has been there for him for every doctor appointment, every overnight hospital stay and every dose of medicine. "As long as I'm breathing, I'll always support my son and he'll never be in a fight alone," Selby wrote. To follow Chace's journey, visit the boy's personal Instagram account (@thelifeofchceelijah) and his YouTube channel. Watching little Chace in action might be better th

The Brain Can "Eats Itself"

When you feel particularly exhausted, it can definitely feel like you are also lacking in brain capacity. Now, a new study has suggested this could be because chronic sleep deprivation can actually cause the brain to eat itself. New research, conducted by Michele Bellesi of the Marche Polytechnic University in Italy and published in the Journal of Neuroscience, analysed the brains of mice who had regular sleep, spontaneous wake, sleep deprivation and chronic sleep deprivation. Using block-face scanning software, the scientists measured the synapses and cell processes in the mouse’s frontal cortex. Specifically looking at cells called astrocytes cells, the researchers found that the sleep-deprived mice showed more activity with these cells. The findings suggest astrocytes start breaking down more of the brain’s debris. “We show for the first time that portions of the synapses are literally eaten by astrocytes because of sleep loss,” Mr Bellesi told the New Scientist. He added that

Passenger Opened Door and Jumped Off Moving Plane

© Joe Raedle—Getty Images An American Airlines plane is seen at the Miami International Airport on February 7, 2013 in Miami, Florida. An airline passenger was arrested Thursday after he opened the plane’s galley door as it was taxiing and jumped onto the tarmac at a North Carolina airport, authorities said. Tun Lon Sein was seated on American Airlines Flight 5242 just before takeoff, when he suddenly stood from his seat and attempted to open the aircraft’s main door before he was halted by a flight attendant, whom he then tried to bite, federal air marshals said in a criminal complaint, according to CNN. Following the struggle, Sein was able to pry the door open and escape onto the tarmac, before airport workers stopped him on the active taxiway. He was then taken to a local hospital for treatment, the report said. Authorities are unsure what prompted Sein’s commotion because he speaks little English, CNN reports. He was scheduled for a court appearance on Friday, but the hearing

Debris of Indian Sukhoi Jet Found Near China Border

The wreckage of an Air Force Sukhoi Su-30 jet that went missing with two pilots on board has been found in the forests near the China border. There is no sign of survivors. The plane have been found in a heavily forested area about 60 km from Tezpur in Assam, where it went missing. The jet took off around 9:30 am on Tuesday and went off the radar near the Doulasang area of Arunachal Pradesh, which borders China. The last contact with the pilots was around 11:30 am, when the aircraft was nearly 60 km north of Tezpur; the wreckage has been found there. The Tezpur Air Force station is located 172 km from the China border. The Sukhoi Su-30 is a Russian-made, twin-engine fighter meant for all-weather, air-to-air and air-to-surface missions. The first of the Su-30 planes were inducted by the IAF in the late 1990s. Since their induction, six crashes have taken place. An inquiry into the accidents has primarily indicated technical failure. In March this year, a Sukhoi Su-30 aircraft had c

Model In Chennai Missing Since Friday

A Chennai woman named Gaanam Nair has been missing since Friday and the police so far have no leads on her case. An online campaign by friends and family seeking information has gained traction on social media. The 28-year-old, who works at a salon as a marketing manager, also made ad films according to her family. Local media describes her as a model. She lives with relatives; her father is based in Delhi and her mother died a few years ago. Ms Nair left her house on Friday for work on her two-wheeler, but did not reach her office. Her cell phone has been switched off since then. Her family has placed this ad in local newspapers: