Beyoncé Got Advice from Celine Dion for Raising Twins.

Motherhood (times two!) has its ups and downs, but if anyone’s up for the challenge, it’s Beyoncé.

Just ask fellow superstar mama to twins Céline Dion, who had nothing but positive things to say about the pregnant singer when E! News caught up with her in Las Vegas for the launch of her first lifestyle collection with The Bugatti Group . “I think it’s a double blessing,” Dion shared, adding, “I have twins. I think she’s covered. She’s been in the business for so long, she’s got her own people… When she does something, she knows what she’s doing.”

Celine Dion had one piece of sound advice for the expectant mother,beyonce:. “It’s going to be hectic in the house,” she admitted, adding, “But she’s fortunate enough that she can have all the people that she wants to help her, but no one will ever replace a mom and she’s a great mom. I’m pretty sure of that.”

“Jay and B have always wanted a big family,” an insider told us. “So when they got that huge news and surprise that they were having twins, they were both so happy. They have been trying for a while now so these babies are a true gift from God to them.”


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