Know Your Partner
Some couples fail to comprehend that the two individuals involved in the relationship are two unique persons. Each of them have different make ups. There are no two individuals that are the same; even identical twins are unique persons. This is the mystery in creation by God Almighty. Every individual is a unique entity. The Bible states that we are made in the image and likeness of God. Being made in His image and likeness of God connotes that we have His spirit and attributes and behave like Him but does not mean that we all should have the same kind of behavior. This is because there are certain things that are inbuilt in man. God made it that we remain unique no matter how many we are, no two persons are the same. Our thumb finger confirms this. No two persons have the same thumbs. Our thumb prints are all different. This manifests God's awesomeness. We should as a matter of fact get to understand certain things about the individuals we are partnering in life at any ...